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¡Últimas noticias de Reforma!

How Summer Changes Sleep: The Impact of Heat and Tips for Better Rest

Summer brings longer days, warm nights, and a change in our sleep patterns. As the temperature rises, many people find it challenging to get a good night's sleep. In this...

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Beating the Post-Vacation Blues: How Exercise Can Smooth Your Return to Work (Harvard Study 2019)

Returning to your daily routine after a vacation can be challenging, and numerous studies from prestigious universities highlight the importance of exercise during this transition. The "post-vacation syndrome" often brings...

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Unlocking Health and Weight Loss with Intermittent Fasting: The Ancient Secret to a Modern Dilemma

In today's fast-paced world, where sugary snacks and processed foods are often our go-to choices, finding a sustainable and effective way to boost health and shed excess weight can be...

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